I forget how many gods I’ve cursed or praised
How many times the story’s changed
No nation left to call my home again
Can no longer recall my name
But right here in this clearing the fever leaves me
I’m no longer running away
I know these runes; I think I’m getting a grasp of this place
My feet are turning into leathery soles
My body’s dressed in leaves and clay
My veins are filled with river water
My eyes have turned a different shade
The wind here is declining, my mouth feels dryer
I know what is happening my dear
Been running for too long I’ll stop and let them find me here
These rocks and branches obey my command
I finally know where I stand
I will light my fire, let them track me down and have their chance
Gods of war, beasts of brimstone
I’m ready now so give me all you’ve got
Wear me out, burn my bridges
Time is not an issue any more
All these fields are draped in my spell weave
I finally got nature on my side
Send your minions, send your sentries
The gates are open so bring me what is mine
~låttexten Magefire från albumet Chapter One av popbandet The Lilac Swords
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Om bandet The Lilac Swords
The Lilac Swords är ett svenskt popband som smider samman sagans värld med melodiös indiepop. Deras debutalbum Chapter One är en musikalisk vandring genom en outforskad vildmark där uråldriga gudar vandrar över ödsliga vidder och märkliga väsen ruvar i skuggorna. Storslagna gester, fantasyosande estetik och melodistark indiepop väntar äventyraren. The Lilac Swords består av Love Enström på sång, Magnus Eriksson på synthar och elektroniskt maskineri, Niklas Rasmussen på trummor och Olle Söderström på gitarr.